Kamposse forè passo glossa edulete attès addhe glosse motti tis endiàzutte cinùria loja; kanì na pensèfsume es tossa loja tis medecina, informàtika, scienze ...

Attès efse khijade fse glosse, mian ambrò mian ampì, nnorimmene, ole eplusiènutte ma ta loja kharimmena attès addhe glosse. Olo tuo ene simadi fse libertà ce difi respetto j'in glossa os addhò.

Vassilis Alexakis* Μυθιστοριογράφος, γράφει στα ελληνικά και στα γαλλικά. Romanziere, scrive in greco ed in francese. Romancier, écrit en grec et en français. Novelist, he writes in greek and in french., satte èrkato arotimmeno, m’in okkasiùna ka èguenne o libro ttu “Le premier mot”* ipe ka èkhume dìgghio na mas kakofanì motti e talebani klànnune es statue tu Buddha, ma e' sozi mini senza na kami tìpoti, senza na min ekkidefsi, motti ekhànnutte e glosse.

E glosse ine e kulture, ine ta plùssia, ine e nòisi ce e nosìa, ine e misteri...Endiàzete n’es filàfsume jatì motti, vàscia vàscia, ekhànnutte, ta gheni ghiurìzune panta pleo ftokhùddhia ce pleo alio dinatà. Ìane san e àntropi ekhànnutte a spirì libertà.

E kolonizzaziuna immpònnete occe m’in glossa ce m’o lò.

Nikolas Sarkozy, stin omilìa ttu tu Dakar (Senegal, alonari 2007), mìa forà pu kataghinòskefse i kolonizzaziùna, envìtefse ta paddhikària afrikana na kùsune “ i mali fonì tu presidente Senghor pu ghiùrefse ja oli ti zoì ttu na vali filìa mes tin eredità ce i kultura pu e tragèdie ce e tikhe* ‹ tichi: τύχη; sorte, fortuna, azzardo; sort, hasard; fate, chance tis stòria pìrane tin Àfrika”. “ a’ kùsome fse negri, emilume franceso jati o franceso ene mìa glossa internazionale iu e fonì mma estazi tosso stu francesu ce tosso stus addhus antropu.“

Senghor lei: "o Franceso mas ekhàrise ta loja tu astratta - iu area stes glosse afrikane; ta dika ma loja vastune ena fotostèfano* ‹ φωτοστέφανο; alone; halo; halo fse linfa ce fse ghema; ta loja francesa spittarìzune sa’ khije diamantàcia, sa strèmmata pu jalìzune stin nifta mma".

Akkumbistonta sto Senghor, Sarkozy, mia forà pimena ti o dramma tis Afrika èrkete jatì o àntropo afrikano en ene mbemmena pleo fse tosso es ti stòria, kulùsise na pi ti ìkhane na fìkune es glosse tto, kalè manekhà na milìsune stus makaru tu chorìu ce na diavune es mia glossa pleo kalì ce mportanta, o franceso. Iu ponta, pèrnonta dìgghia palea atto XIX sèkulo, èdifse misitrìa j’es addhe glosse.

E palei greci, occe toa, ekratènnane barbaro cispu en mili greko. Ce puru o greko ekhi piammena loja attès addhe glosse pleo palee.

E situaziuna apò t' àrtena tu griku èrkete apò tuttin dinamikì.

Ja kampossus khronu, poddhù, ine stammena misimeno ce skreditao; o gheno e’ to mili pleo ce e to màttenne os pedìo to. Ce iu ine pamena panta pleon ampì ce àrtena evrìskete es mìa situaziùna panta pleo dìskuli. Ane tispo kanni tìpoti, an e’ piànnete kammìa iniziativa o griko peseni. Mes e pleo malu, autorità, ce us militù* militì(s) ‹ ομιλητής; locutore, parlante; locuteur, parlant; speaker, e plèo poddhì pistèone ti ene tikanè khameno.

Emì pistèome ka kanea prama sòzome ancora cami j’o griko, sòzome ghiùrefsi na tu dòkome cinùria zoì ce n’o sarvèfsome.

Ja tuo enghizi na mi foristume n’o milìsume senza na kanonìsome tinò.

Enghìzi n’afistì e idea ti o grìko ene mia glossa milimmeni atto gheno to ftokhùddhi.
Puru sto cerò to pleo kaddhio tu griku o gheno èmili fse olo cio pu tu ediàvenne attì ciofali ce degghe fse pòlemo manekhò. E zoì ttu evasta tosse addhe relaziune : m’i famija ttu m’on addho gheno, m’in agglisìa, mia zoì noisì* noisò -ì -ò: πνευματικός -ή -ό; intellettuale; intellectuel; intellectual. Ja passo prama emili grika. Na mi pistèfsume pu en ìfsere na milisi addho ca fse pòlemo, fse ftinà ce afse koràffia.

O griko anarì na milisi tis zoì pu t'àrtena.

Fsèrome ti o glossàriò tu ekhi kamposse trìpe. Ma tuo en ene handikap pù e' to sozi diavì. Ti ikhe stasonta attès cinùrie glosse apò t’àrtena, franceso, ingleso, taliano, tedesco, spagnolo ... an ikhan stasonta klimmene ec'es safte ce ìkhan fìkonta to kalò ce tin afidìa pu tos sòzato erti attès addhe glosse? An den ìkhane plusiànonta, ja difsi, o glossàriò to medico-scientifico me ta loja a to greko.

Ta loja ce i terminologìa pu sìmberi fènete ka 'e' ta ekhi, tossa ine limonimmena ce ta sòzome piaki matapale ce addhe ta sòzume ghenisi taràssonta attès rize attà loja grika ce addha ta sòzume piaki attò dialetto, attò greko ce attò taliano jatì tue ene e glosse pleo kùkkia.

Ta loja ezune pleppi emà ce kratennun stennù pràmata poddhì palea. Kammìa forà ekhànutte. Ekratènnete ti passo glossa ekhanni a kalò 20% tu glossàriù ti kai khìje khrònu; ma sto iso cerò ghennìutte loja cinùria; e glossa den leftenni mai.

Allora enkonnomèsta oli ce ghiurèome na dòkome cinùria zoì tunì glossa. Milùme, ce na min foristùme na vàlome loja cinùria. An to lò e’ to'khi, ghennume to !

Considerations on language

(translated from Greek)

Every language borrows words that may be helpful for itself from other languages -just think of those used in medicine, computer science, economics and sciences...

The approximately six thousand languages ​​surveyed to date have, all of them, integrated and use words received from other languages. It is a sign of freedom and shows respect for the language of others.

Vassilis Alexakis, interviewed upon occasion of the release of his book "Le premier mot" (Stock, Paris, 2010), points out that if we got moved, moreover, quite rightly, when the Talibans destroyed the statues of Buddha, one cannot remain indifferent when languages ​​disappear.

Languages ​​create cultures, wealth, wisdom, mysteries...We must defend them because as languages ​​disappear, humanity is impoverished and becomes weaker. As if humanity were to lose a little freedom.

Colonization is imposed, too, by means of language, by means of speaking.

Nicolas Sarkozy, during his speech in Dakar (Senegal, July 2007), after having criticized and condemned colonization, urged African young people to listen to "the great voice of President Senghor who tried all his life to reconcile the heritage and the cultures, at whose crossroads the hazards and the tragedies of history had placed Africa". "If we see ourselves as Africans, we speak in French, because French is a language with an international vocation, because our message is addressed both to the French and to the other men".

According to Senghor, "French language has given us its abstract words - so rare in our native languages. In our country, words are naturally surrounded by a halo of lymph and blood; French words instead radiate a thousand lights, the way of diamonds. Flares that illuminate our night".

By quoting Senghor, Sarkozy, after declaring that "the tragedy of Africa is that the African man has not sufficiently entered the history," he went on to explain to students that Africans should more or less abandon their languages ​​that are only made to talk to the witch doctor of the village and should change to a "more serious" language, French of course. In this way, he clearly showed a contempt and a mistrust of other languages ​​using the old arguments of the nineteenth century.

Already ancient Greeks considered barbarians those who did not speak Greek. However, even Greek borrowed some words from other older languages.

The current status of Griko is due precisely to this dynamic.

For years it was despised, and ended up being discredited; people no longer dared to speak or teach it to their children. So it regressed and now it finds itself in an even more critical situation. If we do not take any urgent action, it will die.

Between authorities and today’s speakers, a large majority think that the cause is lost.

We believe that it is still possible to revitalize Griko language and save it.

For that matter we must absolutely speak it without fear and without restraint.

We must abandon the idea that it is just a language of the most humble.
Even during the golden age of Griko, the people who spoke it was concerned about other things than work. They had a social life, a religious life, a family life, an intellectual life, etc… They expressed themselves, in any situation, in Griko. We do not think that those people could not talk about anything else except work, animals and fields.

Griko language is capable of dealing with present day life. Its vocabulary certainly has gaps. But this is not an insurmountable handicap.
What would have happened to current modern languages: French, English, Italian, German, Spanish ... if they had remained locked in their own and had decided not to accept the influence of other languages? If they had not received, and this is just an example, medical terminology and scientific terminology derived from Greek into their vocabulary?

The words that only apparently are today lacking in Griko, are either not lacking but simply forgotten, or they can just be created, from Griko roots, from Greek roots, from Italian or from Neolatin dialect as they are all the languages with which Griko has the closest contacts.

Words outlive us and at the same time they bring a very old memory with them. Sometimes they disappear. It is estimated that each language loses more or less 20% of its vocabulary every thousand years, but at the same time they create new words, they do not get at all impoverished.

Let us therefore all make an effort and try to regenerate this language. Let’s speak it and let’s not be afraid to introduce new words. If a word does not exist, let’s create it.

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